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Foreign trucks...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:31 pm
by The Swede ... 76680.html

There has been quite some debate about this in the UK. It seems nearly half the foreign trucks on our roads do not pass the safety tests required.

MPs kicking up dust, 2 hour debate on LBC a few weeks ago, etcetc.

I have not heard ANYONE however say a word about the 37.5% British trucks not being safe.

As foreign trucks make up a whopping 3.5% of all trucks on our roads, it means 1.7% of trucks on our roads are unsafe and foreign registered and more than 36% of trucks are unsafe and British... Q.e.d.

First of all, it makes a mockery of the entire MOT system. And one does wonder how stupid people are that they all go for this "let's nail the foreign lorry-driver"-thing. It does give me a few flashbacks to history... :?


PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:54 pm
by stijoy
in my opinion, any truck, car motorbike caught not having ins, road tax or mot and unroadworthy should be took off the owner and crushed, then lets see how many people take car issues as a joke!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:15 pm
by eck
stijoy wrote:in my opinion, any truck, car motorbike caught not having ins, road tax or mot and unroadworthy should be took off the owner and crushed, then lets see how many people take car issues as a joke!

What he said :thumb:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:56 pm
by The Swede
It would obviously mean that the people we pay to lead this country would make themselves unpopular with those who live from the benefits system... for which we also pay :roll:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:12 am
by hightower
thats the problem most of those who dont insure there car/tax it etc are scum bleeding the system dry who have nothing else better to do than vote. i have not voted yet because i think that they are all useless tossers who are more interested in lining there own pockets.
SAme goes for old people get them off the road

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:41 pm
by Chris 280
been a friefighter vfor ten years,been to numerous r.t.c,where foreign bastards have caused not very nice sights,and i don,t think i,ve heard of any of them being done for reckless driving,unroadworthy vehicles,driving on the wrong side of the road,driving whilst tired,etc etc(end of rant) but you get tossers from all places unfortunatly.